Friday, October 7, 2011

The Tale of the Skunk, the Raccoon, and the Edible Turkey

So, I recently took my class on a wonderful field trip to a nature preserve here on the central coast of California. The best part of this trip was that I got to ride with one of the greatest tale tellers of all time. I am sure that I will have countless stories from this student before the year end.
As we were driving, Little Miss (her fictitious title naturally) was talking about a problem her dog and cat had the night before. Apparently, they got into a bit of a skirmish with a local raccoon.   She said that the dog had, in the end, killed the raccoon and then brought it into the house through the doggy door. The cat, being his partner in crime, followed diligently.  Now, at this point in the story I didn't even bat an eyelid. This is something that could happen here as there are raccoons everywhere and her details were spot on. The doggy door was a bit far fetched, but could be possible.  Then she began talking about the time that the same thing happened with a skunk only this time she described how her mom picked it up and looked at it. According to Little Miss, after the skunk was drug through the doggy door, her mom bent down and picked it up. She said that she looked it over and decided that it should be thrown away. She described what it smelled like and how sad her dog was that they threw it away. OK, this is plausible. I doubt that her mom would pick it up, but some of it still seemed possible. Then the whopper was launched. After describing how they disposed of the skunk, she began talking about a turkey.  It sounded like the turkey was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The dog and cat, on their serial killing rampage, assassinated the turkey. They also drug it through the doggy door and this time dropped it right next to her mom. Her mom then picked it up and looked it over. Although this time she didn't think it should be thrown out.  Little Miss claimed that her mom decided that the dog and cat hadn't chewed on the entire turkey, so it would do. It was Valentine's day and her mom hadn't been to the store, so on this day they would be eating turkey. The student talked about plucking the turkey's feathers and even described how it tasted.  After storytelling for at least 30 minutes, the student finished her tale. She followed it up by saying "I don't know if it was a dream or real, but it seamed really real." It took everything that I had not to break out laughing. This student's mom is a girly girl. She is always perfectly dressed and definitely not the type to eat "pet-kill." After speaking to her mom, I can accurately tell you that this never happened and, moreover, they have never had a doggy door.

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